Moving from Ghost to HUGO

I started to blog 11 years ago. The first blog system i used, was Dotclear, I moved to Wordpress few years after because of the large plugin and theme ressources available. Wordpress is a really good blog platform, but it updates itslef too often for me. Few months ago, the blog moved to Ghost, a really minimalist blog system, based on nodejs. A KISS aproach to the blog, I falled in love. »

Author image Valère JEANTET

dotScale 2014 as a sketch

No enough time to write a summary of the last dotScale in Paris. I publish some graphical notes i’ve done during the event. I know there is a missing H in “GITUB”, live notes are live notes… :-) »

Hackathon GDFSUEZ

Mes notes graphique réalisées pendant la journée de préparation du hackathon GDF SUEZ. Notes reprises dans zdnet pour illustrer l’événement : »